Prayer and Fasting 2018

Once again the people of Mount Olive are invited to spend 3 days in Prayer and Fasting. Join Pastor Chris in setting aside three days during the month of January for a special time of prayer and fasting to seek God and His guidance over our lives and the life of the Mount Olive Ministries. All are encouraged to join together to pray and allow our spirits to connect with God’s Spirit.

Please read this carefully and decide which three days you will fast and how you will fast during this special time

During this time of prayer and fasting, we seek the Lord in these areas:

  • For God to reveal to us His plans for our lives and our lives for His plan;
  • For God to reveal His mission for Mount Olive in 2018;
  • For God to reveal how he will use each of us to achieve his mission this year… all for His glory.

Learn more about the 7 Basic Steps of Successful Fasting and Prayer from Dr. Bill Bright by clicking HERE

What is a juice Fast?

Here are two articles about how to do a juice fast safely.
You can read this article form MindBodyGreen titled How to Jucie Fast Safely by Thomas by clicking HERE

This is an article from

A juice fast is a type of detox diet that involves consuming only raw vegetable and fruit juice and water for a short period of time. It is considered one of the more rapid methods of detoxification due to the reduced food intake and absence of solid food.

A typical juice fast lasts one to five days. Consultation with a health care professional is often recommended for fasts longer than three to five days.

The juice can be extracted at home using a juicer. As an alternative, juice cleanse companies such as Blueprint CleanseOrganic Avenue, and Pressed Juicery sell cleanse packages made up of various fresh pressed juices that are delivered by courier across the United States.

How It’s Done

1) Preparation for a Juice Fast – 3 Days Before – Although it can be tempting to jump into a juice fast, preparation is essential because it affects how a person responds to the cleanse. Certain foods, such as coffee, sugar, meat, dairy, alcohol, and wheat are phased out to reduce headaches, cravings, and other withdrawal symptoms. It’s also important to up your intake of fresh vegetables during the pre-fast.

2) 3-Day Juice Fast – During the actual fasting days, approximately 32 to 96 ounces of juice is suggested, with at least half of the juice being green vegetable-based. Green vegetables are rich in chlorophyll, which is said to help cleanse and heal the digestive tract.

This is a typical day on a 3 day juice fast:

  1. Upon rising: lukewarm water with lemon
  2. Almond or cashew “milk”
  3. Green vegetable juice
  4. Green vegetable juice
  5. Beet, carrot, apple juice
  6. Green vegetable juice
  7. Almond or cashew “milk”
  8. Drink a glass of room temperature or lukewarm water in between each juice to promote elimination.


To optimize the absorption of nutrients, drink each juice slowly rather than gulping it down. Juices should be consumed approximately one to two hours apart. The final beverage of the day should be at least three hours before bedtime.

Fruits and vegetables used to make the juices often include celery, kale, carrot, cabbage, apple, spinach, beets, and leafy greens. Avocados and bananas don’t juice well, and the pits of peaches, apricots, cherries and other fruit, apple seeds, carrot and rhubarb tops, and tough skins of kiwi, pineapple and mangos should be avoided. Organic produce is best, but if it’s unavailable, a fruit and vegetable wash (often available in health food stores) may help to remove some pesticide residues.

People often find it easiest to juice at the beginning or end of the day and to make enough for one full day. Although juice should be consumed as close to the time of juicing as possible, juice can be stored covered in glass or BPA-free cups or bottles.

If hunger pangs are persistent or uncomfortable, vegetable broth or a small snack such as carrots, celery, a salad, or a piece of fruit is often suggested. If it is a person’s first time on a juice fast, a modified juice fast that includes a salad each day for lunch or dinner may be recommended.

3) Breaking the Juice Fast – After the juice fast is complete, food is usually reintroduced into the diet over several days. Find out how to break the fast.


PLEASE TAKE NOTE: .  If you are under medical care and you can’t fast, please follow orders of your medical supervisor. But you can find something else that you can fast to join in the spirit of the church and to do as Jesus expects.

Here are a few suggestions of things you can give up for three-days:

– social media
– certain kinds of food or drinks
– smoking
– sex
– news (cable, newspaper, internet)
– sweets
– games or puzzles
– movies
– TV
– your comfortable bed (yeah, sleep on the floor)
– your pillow
– hot water in showers

Matthew 6:16-18 “When you fast, do not look somber as the hypocrites do, for they disfigure their faces to show others they are fasting. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. 1But when you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face, so that it will not be obvious to others that you are fasting, but only to your Father, who is unseen; and your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.


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